Upcoming events

Sept 15 - 22: Via Flaminia Classic Rally
The September edition is largely equal to the edition of June. The car train will bring you comfortably to Trieste after which we will spend the two first days in Slovenia before attacking the mountains of the Dolomites.
>>>  Via Flaminia
Nov 8 - Dec 1 2012: Via Flaminia Coloniale Rally
For the first time the Via Flaminia will go to the Colonies. During 24 days some 30 mostly pre war cars will discover the rich culture and landscape of one of the culturally most interesting countries of Africa: Ethiopia.
>>>  Via Flaminia Coloniale


Dec 16: 100 miles of Amsterdam Rally
The night of Sunday December 16. A challenge for the true car buff. Survive 100 Miles of cold and dark misery with only rudimentary pre war material.